Custom Programming

Hardware & Software Integration

Project Management


BROWNtech offers a broad range of Information Technology consulting including desktop PCs, networks, Internet & intranet, needs assessment, asset management and system conversion.

Website Design

The Internet offers many business solutions and challenges. Stocks are traded, cars are bought and sold, information continuously flows 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Clerks and Recorders are using this technology to file documents electronically, and provide faster, more convenient access to public records and document images.

With a web site your customers can:

- browse database records and documents,
- file documents electronically (E-sign Act),
- fill-out, print and/or electronically submit forms and applications,
- order products and services,
- read about the latest news releases and product developments,
- determine office hours, addresses and phone numbers,
- see a street map with directions to your office,
- send email comments & suggestions,
- share questions & answers on an electronic Bulletin Board, and
- link to other company related sites.

An internet business strategy is necessary in today's office environment and BROWNtech has the tools and skills to get you there in style. If you have any questions or if you'd like to get started, call us at (508) 543-0211 or you can email our WebMonster, affectionately known as

The "Missing Link"



P.O. Box 278, Norwood, MA  02062 email or call (508) 543-0211

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